Porcelain chinoise authentic or???

Started by abderrahim, Jun 16, 2018, 08:14:59

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I do not see any sign of age on this porcelain but I need your expertise. Please this Porcelain chinoise is authentic or??? what is the Mark and Period.??? Thankyou.


this is japanese with a chinese chenghua mark. I am far from being an expert in japanese ceramic but I'd guess your plate is probably from the 19th C.
I don't understand your second question, are you asking what does ''mark and period'' mean?  It means it was made during the reign of the emperor  on the mark, in this case during the chenghua emperor reign


Japanese Imari, I think this would be much later, 20 century, note the absence of stilt marks also the mark itself would have been a 6 character mark, I have never seen Japanese with the 4 character Chenghua marks before.


Thank you guys,
The seller puts them on sale as Chinese Chenghua, I did well to ask to have your expertise.


Careful with this seller. He/she does not their wares. Obviously they did only look at the mark, not knowing that these are useless for dating. And, Chenghua marks are more frequently encountered on Japanese than Chinese porcelain.


Thank you Peter for your warning.I try to be careful, but like any beginner we make mistakes.
For This why I come back to your website for help.
I just bought the Ebook (chinese_porcelain_ebook.pdf) this is on sale on your website, I'm sure he will help me a lot.
Thank you.


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