Id chines pot vase

Started by manny, Jan 05, 2014, 02:08:00

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can anyone ID this vase the mark is chines but that all I know any idea appreciate thanks


Hi, the mark is a spurious Qianlong mark, the crackle glaze was made that way when it was fired, your item looks modern to me the colors are not traditional for antique porcelain.


Hi, I would like to add that the mark and decoration look as if they are printed. Printed Chinese porcelain  cannot be very old, not even vintage.


Well 100% is not a printed and 100% painted, you can say it may not be old, but you can't say its printed


Well, it looks that way in these pictures. Did you check with a good magnifier?  If it is handpainted you should be able to see single brush strokes, deeper color at the beginning and lighter at the end of the stroke. They are very easy to recognize as such.
If they show an uniform depth of color and width, then they were not made with a brush.


Hi again well I do know a bit about antique no much about chinese but still I know the difference between a painting and a print and I own few very good ones art and porcelain well I forget to chow the other side of this vase witch is hand writing in chinese can you read chinese ?  well I can't upload big pictures it won't allow it .


Hi Manny, Post your photo's on, its free and you can post high resolution photos and then post the link here for us to view, I can't read Chinese, so this one is for peter,