Blue and White arrow vase

Started by Stan, Sep 27, 2017, 08:47:30

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This vase is heavily potted and stands at 45.7 cm tall, it has small bubbles in the glaze to larger bubbles around the blue, there appear to be rust spots in the blue or blusters in the blue areas, this had been sitting on a shelf long enough to accumulate a build up of grease and dust on the out side, I washed it off with soap and water, this to me is a Qianlong copy but done very well, the mark and decoration has prick marks to indicate that marks were made before painting, I would like your expert opinion, I know that real Qianlong items do not show many age signs, I have an export Qianlong platter that is the same blue  and white color, thanks for your help on age.


Here are more photo's to view, thanks.


Hi Stan, this should require a hands-on inspection, looking at all the stuff that photographs can not tell, like foot rim consistency, bubbles, etc.. A close up inspection of glaze would also be appropriate. The mark definitely looks like an official mark. While not precluding that it can be copied, it has all the requirements a period Qianlong official mark should have. The glaze would be a bit white for a private kiln item, but not for an official kiln item.
Try to have someone look at the actual item, perhaps someone from an auction house.