2 bottle vase

Started by moska, Apr 25, 2014, 06:04:11

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Hello everyone,
I would like to know if there is Chinese vases, whether it be white china ... If it is Chinese vases what time could they dating? Is it rare? The base remind me of Chinese vases , the interior is not glaze ... The height is 15.5 cm base 5.5 cm.
Thank you in advance!


Hi Moska, your bottles look Chinese to me and they look old but I do not know for sure, I would say mid  19th century.


thanks a lot stan , I would add that I find strange seal on the glaze, there are two symmetrically opposed seals on each bottle . It is not inside the vase but on the glaze only,  i'd never seen it on an old china porcelain ! Can you explain why they are there ?


Looking at these photos looks as your bottles were made in a mold, I can see in these photos what appears to be a line in the glaze that looks as if it was made in two parts running vertical through the bottles, if thats the case your bottles would be 20th century, I can't see any marks from these photos but I do see a line, is it on the other side as well? take and shine a light through it and if it is molded then it will clearly be seen.


I also think it is a molded bottle, the lines are on both sides ... But what seems strange is that inside the bottle no trace of mold. Is it posible that only the glaze contains these lines and not the bottle itself?


I have molded bottles as well, the ones i have are new and you can not see the seem until you shine a light into the bottle, you can't see the seem because it is inside, Im sure that its there.


The ones I have are Japanese, I wonder if yours could be Japanese as well.


Thank you for your answers!