Pair of small Nanking vases

Started by wk, Aug 05, 2016, 01:25:37

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I bought this pair of chenghua (?) vases today and wonder if they're authentic and from which period.

The marks are really bad and the glaze on the bottom also seems a rush job.
They're 19,5cm/7.75 inches tall.


First, the term "Nanking" seems to come from the Japanese. They seem to use it for items made at Jingdezhen.
These are late Qing dynasty vases, probably Guangxu reign. Fangge crackle ware vases with brown decorations and a mark like this are usually attributed to this period.
Most often such items have a Chenghua Nianzhi mark, sometimes none or more seldom, another one.
The marks are for decoration only.

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