Footed Tray

Started by kardinalisimo, Sep 10, 2015, 07:56:32

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Could be a modern studio piece but just to double check.


With no side view it is difficult to imagine what this looks like, actually.


I guess it is. I have no other photos for now. Did such foot exist on Chinese pottery? Also, the clay is kind of too red to be Chinese, is not it? the glaze is also some kind of brown that I have not seen before.


The pictures don't show the height of the foot clearly. The stem bowls or cups have a very high foot, but this looks shorter, at least in the pictures. This seems to be earthenware and this fact makes it very unlikely that it is Chinese.


Thanks for the input. Yeah, the stem is quite short and the bowl is shallow. I guess it could have been anywhere, not long time ago.


Few extra pics.

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