Japanese Red Clay Vase

Started by kardinalisimo, Jun 12, 2015, 12:34:55

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Does not appear to be old. Maybe vintage. Not sure if this is considered tokoname ware. I am also not finding that shape among Japanese vessels.
Any chance we can ID the artist/maker?


Hi kardinalisimo, I could not find anything in my books by these marks, my books are strictly porcelain, or stoneware, satsuma, I am just not familiar with this type of ware, sorry, I hope someone else can help.


It seems that the hand carved and the seal marks contain the same name. The third character in the hand-carved mark means "knife", which translated would mean "carved". So it is the name of the artisan who carved the decoration in the clay. The first character in the name is unclear to me, as with many Japanese artisan's signatures fancy writing of the strokes is the cause.