Bottle no mark ?

Started by Jrfinds, Mar 01, 2015, 17:36:49

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I have a Chinese bottle with no marks, what is this bottle and is it old and where is it from, China? The bottle is  alittle over 5" tall at bottom it's alittle over 2" wide and at top alittle over 1"  I like this but know nothing of it. Thank you


The black lines seem to be printed. This is possibly a modern product or possibly 'chinoiserie' made elsewhere.
The eaves of the building are not painted in the Chinese manner, although the motif is Chinese.


Looks like part of the willow pattern, pagode, fence, appletree, doves. Possibly part 1 of 2 bottles


The building look very modern to me with sash window, that is if it were Chinese it would be modern, I do not think I have ever seen Japanese or traditional Chinese with sash windows.


Hehe, so you noted that too, Stan.  You have good eyes for detail.
Actually, this type of window appears to be used mainly in America. In Europe windows  commonly swing open on hinges, and here in the Far East they are sliding sideways, as far as I can see.


So it must be American Chinoiserie.


there no over painted on this at all


Thank you around what year Peterp ?


Hi Victor, is the glass or porcelain?


Is your bottle glass or porcelain?


Determining the age of something like this is not easy. You will have to find similar objects, but I guess it is not very old.


I was thinking if it was glass it would be called milk glass, that is what it looks like it could be, that was made in large quantity here in the 20's


It's porcelain, Thank you for your help stan and peterp !

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