This week I bought this one.
Greetings de munte
At first I thought it is a Japanese imitation of a Chinese decoration, but after seeing the full top view showing the glaze damage along the rim I now think this is a modern fake. Rim damage like this along the whole circumference and more or less regular...too many of them. This is usually not from actual use but intentionally created to make it seem to be old.
More, this is not a Ming foot rim shape and having a worm back makes it even more unlikely. Then, the connection of the inner wall of the foot rim to the base area is round (has a radius), which is basically a 20th century or later thing.
I'm afraid this time you bought a fake.
thanks for the anwer
i've payed 40 euro's for it....
We call that "tuition", the fee paid for learning. :)
Each and every one of us paid that, and many are still paying it (including me) when we get involved with new types or periods we are not familiar with. As long as we learn from this, the money has not gone to waste...