Chinese Ceramics & Antiques Discussion

Antique Chinese Ceramics => Chinese Ceramics Discussion => Topic started by: askent on Apr 13, 2021, 21:45:46

Title: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: askent on Apr 13, 2021, 21:45:46
Hi all, anpther collection plate. Your thoughts pls.
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: askent on Apr 16, 2021, 01:08:06
No collection value?
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: peterp on Apr 16, 2021, 10:29:56
The decoration is Kangxi, imitation or authentic cannot be based on two small pictures... see previous comments related to this, please.

It is a bit of a futile exercise if we have to look at too small pictures to tell you every time we need more details. Evaluating authenticity based on pictures of the decoration alone is not possible with Chinese porcelain, age signs, and more need to be checked; but to be as accurate as possible more information in the form of pictures is required.
What you ask us to do is the same as looking at some books, comparing decorations, and based on that want us to decide what you have? This is not European porcelain. Chinese porcelain on the market today is up to 99% fake depending on the location, less in the west or when it is export porcelain. Still, decorations are the most easily copied. They are unusable alone for deciding authenticity, so please provide more picture of details. Whole items do only tell us the shape and decoration. We need to see the foot rim shape, usage signs, blemishes, the bottom glaze, the pigment color, etc. These are only visible in partial pictures, usually. Please look at what pictures others upload. Your understanding is appreciated.
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: askent on Apr 16, 2021, 22:58:23
Thanks a lot Peterp for detailed reply. The plates are stored in remote location. But here I post some close ups
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: askent on Apr 17, 2021, 01:51:56
''Thanks a lot Peterp for detailed reply. The plates are stored in remote location. But here I post some close ups'' what I mean I cannot take new pictures at the moment. As soon as I can  I will take and post them...
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: peterp on Apr 17, 2021, 07:30:06
We should know if the foot rim is slanted on the outside, or straight up.
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: Stan on Apr 18, 2021, 06:05:25
Hi Askent, We need a photo of the foot at a 45 degree angle, then can you see in the photo the outside slant and inside slant of the foot, the photo's you have now, a straight on photo dose not show this, a straight foot would be the later periods.
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: askent on Apr 24, 2021, 03:01:23
Hi Stan:
angle of 45 view,
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: peterp on Apr 24, 2021, 07:45:06
This is confusing...
Looks like a straight-up rim, not slanted. But the decoration is similar to 18th century export porcelain. The shape would also mean it would likely be export.
Kangxi is unlikely, but I would like to ask if someone has seen a decoration all around the circumference like this?
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: Stan on Apr 24, 2021, 12:59:04
I Cant't say that I have, esp. on Japanese porcelain.
Title: Re: Chinese or Japanese??? 7'' blue-white plate
Post by: peterp on Apr 24, 2021, 18:23:17
Difficult to tell what this actually is...having someone knowledgeable to a hands-on inspection would be best to clarify the issues.
Basically, summarizing the problem with this item, there is a Kangxi style export porcelain decoration on the top side. But then, porcelain of the Qing dynasty does not usually have such an exterior decoration running all around on the underside. And, porcelain "after" the 18th century would unlikely have such an octagonal shape. On the other hand, the foot rim shape means it hardly can be from the Kangxi period or 18th century, and export porcelain also usually does not have such a mark. That means there are several items that are inconsistent with manufacture in either the early or late Qing dynasty.
Therefore, it might as well be an item made much later, perhaps in the 20th century. My personal opinion.