Blue Bowl

Started by kardinalisimo, Nov 03, 2014, 10:20:07

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I see quite a lot of scratches but besides that I don't think it is old. Thick foot rim with inner walls slanted inwards. I am thinking Japanese maybe?


Possibly Japanese, not antique, possibly made by injection.


Thanks for the reply. By injection you mean the porcelain mixture was injected into a mold to form the shape? I see like a small protrusion on the inside center and circles running around the inner walls. Is not that a sign that the bowl was turned?


Sure, I was talking about a possibility. If you have the item, you can inspect it better than we do with photographs. The reason I mentioned the possibility of injecting is the radius between foot rim and bottom area. Hand thrown items frequently have little radius. A slanted side face of the foot rim, on the inside of the rim can also hint to the use of a mold, as may a nipple in the center.
If there is a spiral on the inside is indeed from the fingers, on the other hand, then it is not necessarily machine made. But, the flat area in the center, inside bottom, looks as if something more than just fingers was forming this. Throwing by hand will usually create a rounded bottom inside.

BTW, while the overall impression of the decoration is Japanese, the foot rim is a bit thick. Could also be Chinese, but only a few decades old, if it is.

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