Chinese celadon bowl 2

Started by Stan, Oct 15, 2014, 04:31:37

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Hi Peter, this is the last bowl, this on is thiner than the last and has a high ring sound when clicked with my finger, this bowl has had a couple of repairs to the rim but is still a nice bowl, could you tell me how old you think it is, the dealer said ming but I am not that familiar with celadon porcelain from the ming period, your expertise is appreciated, thanks.


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I have doubts about this, Stan. Basically, I am not sure if the old look is natural or made up, but if it was from a non-Chinese origin, that would be another matter.
First I must reiterate that I am not a specialist on ancient (Yuan and earlier) porcelain. However, if this is authentic, I think it would have to be about Song/Yuan. The narrow rim makes it look more like Qing, but a certain Song dynasty kiln also made this type of base. The glaze of its items was  different, though, and mostly white. In the Song dynasty the foot rim was mostly wide. Glaze and decoration on the other hand make it unlikely to be Qing dynasty. That is, I cannot recognize the decoration at all.

Could it be non-Chinese? Apart from the shape and foot rim looking Chinese, I have doubts about both, the glaze and decoration. The fact that it has three support points that do not look like any of the support rings I know also is a question.
Again, not sure if it is really antique or made up to look like one. The item base and support points are a bit too rough for my taste.


Thanks again Peter for your comments, this bowl like the other has no scratches at all, in the inside or the outside, bowl like this would have been used on a daily base and would have usage signs, ware on the bottom, scratches on the inside and outside, this looks like it came off the factory floor yesterday, This is a good seller on E-bay and has a 14 day money back guarantee with original shipping costs, I have to pay for the return so I am out $15.00 thanks Peter you are right about it being a fake, unfortunately there is no way to know until you get them, I should have paid more attention to the detail, I have books on Celadon porcelain and there was nothing that resembled the decoration on this bowl.

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