Japanese celadon bowl

Started by Stan, Oct 15, 2014, 02:59:03

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Hi Peter, I just bought this on ebay the seller said it is Chinese but I think it is Japanese because of the high foot rim, could you tell me what the Characters mean, the bowl looks old, over a 100 years at least in my opinion, and as always your expert opinion is appreciated, the bowl is 7.6 cm tall and 16 cm wide it is white glaze on the inside and the green is a little more green than shown on the out side and it is very thin porcelain, thanks for viewing.



Without the mark I would think it is early 19th century, Chinese. The mark itself and its color are incongruent. Can you check with a magnifier if it is under the glaze. You should be able to see some bubbles over the blue... To me it looks as if the mark was painted on later. The mark says Chamao, a shop name, probably, but not a classical name. I would think it was added by a modern dealer.
You could also try if you can remove it with alcohol, acetone or similar.


Hi Peter, the mark is under the glaze, with a 10x loop you can see the bubbles over the mark, is that normal for the foot on this bowl to be so high for Chinese?


With 19th century items it is possible, and the shape is typical Chinese.  The blue hue of the mark would make it late 19th century at the most, if it is under the glaze.
BTW, I do not think this is a Japanese mark. The mark (Chamao) sounds like a contemporary shop mark, the first character meaning "tea", while the second may be a name. That, and the writing style, etc. made me think it was added after firing, by a shop.


Thanks Peter, for the good information.