Blue Lotus Flower Pot

Started by kardinalisimo, Sep 19, 2014, 07:42:52

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I am not quite sure but to me it looks like hand painted. Don't see  significant age signs.
Any thoughts?
By the way, what is the big flower, lotus or chrysanthemum?


Looks pretty new, but could also be Japanese. I doubt, however, that the latter would bother with adding the metal rims. The bottom also seems recent.


I am surprised they did not put any marks on it.
The bottom seems recent like no age signs or the construction itself?
I wonder if they tried to make it resemble an older shape and decoration or just a modern idea.


Its shape, including the bottom, is nothing traditional Chinese. This is not even made to look antique or old. So, you could say it is a problem of the buyer buying something wrongm if this was bought as antique.
Have a good look at the bottom, because there is a major difference between modern and old items.


No, the bowl was not been sold as antique. I just liked it. I do see that the piece has no proper age signs to be old. Not sure what to look at the bottom. Again, I don't see age signs there but that is all I can tell. I don't know how an older stepped/undercut foot rim is supposed to look like, straight, slanted, flat, rounded etc. In fact I've seen stepped foot only on vases not on bowls.


The foot rim has a radius, both on the inside and outside, where it is connected to the bottom/body...that means it is modern, and possibly a sign that the item was formed by injecting the clay, not by throwing on the wheel.

Please be aware that some modern Chinese porcelain made today uses decorations similar to antique porcelain, especially blue and white, simply because they are decorative. They are not fakes.