Republic chinese?

Started by calder, Nov 24, 2014, 08:08:43

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Peoples thoughts on these tiles?


More pics.


There was a porcelain painter in the 20th century who was known for his detailed insect paintings. Not sure if it is him, an imitation of his, or someone else's work.
Anyway, this is likely 20th century, a known porcelain artist. If genuine it could be fairly valuable. However, even these later artists were heavily copied. You need to study the painting style and writing to make sure. Unfortunately, I cannot help much with these later artists.
Signed it is Li Ming-xi, year is ???painted in Zhushan. See the cyclical calendar on the site for the possible dates. If it is a copy, this is unreliable, though.


Hi Peter thank you for the information.
Have searched to no avail.
Can't find any related Artist to compare with.


Sorry, the name seems to be Li Ming-liang. I was mistaken as the characters are a bit small.
Here is the link to an image search on the Chinese internet, using his name:
Do not know, though, which and if any of these are authentic.


Cheers Peter, much appreciated.
Looks like these are copies.
Thank you.

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