Chinese early republic vase

Started by Stan, Sep 21, 2014, 04:31:13

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Hi Peter, I picked this up at a antique store a while back, it was a lamp, I forgot that I had it, I took it apart to see the bottom, I think it is a spurious Qianlong mark, but I believe that it is early republic, please let me know what you think, the size is 21.5 cm tall and 10.8 cm wide, the colors are almost pastel looking and very transparent, I took two pictures of the man with the gold hat and the gold neckless around his neck, that is the only place on the vase that has gold, the gold has a dull look to it and there is a small hair line crack at the top, I am including 16 photos for you to view, please let me know how old you think it is, thanks from Stan.





The mark seems to confirm your age estimate, Stan. The small bit of the third character, visible above the hole, seems indeed to point to republic period. The painting style would be early 19th century, but the mark makes it unlikely to be Qing.
Finely painted, top quality in my view, quite unlike some later copies of the same.
Congratulations to this find.


Thanks Peter, when I saw it at the antique store it reminded me of the one I had before, same quality, thanks again.


Stan that is a well executed vase.
You must have a big house.
For you to forget you had such a nice piece.


I bought it as a lamp with the intent of taking it apart, I set it in a spot that was inconspicuous and then I was so busy at work I forgot about it, but I finished my work and remembered the lamp, I actually did not think it was as nice as it is because the lamp shade practically covered the whole vase, so after taking it apart it really looks nicer as a vase than a lamp, I think the shade took away from the attractiveness of the vase, the shade was the wrong size and made it hard to see the detail, I suspected when I bought it that it was early 20th century, the cord and the shade were very old and was not as attractive as a lamp.