Vase ID

Started by Callum, Sep 21, 2014, 00:30:46

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I found this today in a junk shop, does any one have any info?


This is what we Westerners call a Nankin vase, late Qing to early republic.


Thank you for the reply, is it of any value? They only want ?3 for it.


By the way, the mark is a spurious Chenghua mark and it dose have collectors value, however we do not discuss values on this site.


Thanks again, i've been trawling photos but enable to find an exact match to find out more information regarding possible value. It does have a large chip around the rim so probably worth nothing anyway.


These vases are fairly common, try looking on ebay to get an idea as to price.


Depending on how long you are going to keep it, I would have it repaired, that would increase its collecting value, from a collectors view point.


This is a more recent version of a typical late Qing Fangge crackle ware vase, with warrior decoration, and a spurious Chenghua mark.
The brown areas and painting show that this was made later in the 20th century, however. In other words, it is not antique. Not sure if it could be vintage or not.

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