Sunk Ship Blueware

Started by kardinalisimo, Sep 03, 2014, 10:06:52

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tonny joeswanto

I won't be argue..Mr's your right to judge that the charger is fake...:) but in my opinion it is Real..

Here the one of good sample of annamese that is escavated from Trowan east java. Acctually there are many archeological site that the shard of yuan, ming and annamese, sukothai and aother south east asian ceramic  found in indonesia and other region.
So many erope and usa scaptic with only small group of asian faker and they come to judge all antik ceramic in southeast asia is fake. :)..I one of person don like fake Mr cardinal.

Please sea the shard that I have..

tonny joeswanto

Mr cardinal,

Can you sent me the picture of the VOC. I can't open the link. 


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