early republic vase

Started by Stan, Feb 07, 2014, 10:26:45

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Hi Peter, This vase is very detailed, the porcelain is of high quality, when I shine a light through it you can tell that it was turned, this vase is 16cm high and 6.35cm wide, it is small but I have never seen one this small with this high quality painting, it is hand painted, on the bottom there is a spurious Qianlong mark that is under the glaze, I was told that it is early republic but I think it might be later possibly the 50's, please let me know what you think, thanks from Stan.


here is more photo's, and more is on the way.


more photos. Peter, could you tell me what is written and  who that artist is, thanks from Stan.


Hi Stan,

It is poetry and mentions immortals, etc.
I found the mark mentioned here (the left two characters in yellow):
It is mentioned in the site about a Falangcai exhibition in the National Palace Museum, and mentions that the mark, both left and right one, were frequently used on Falangcai of the Yongzheng period.

I'm afraid that is a more recent item, not sure though. More recent items often have a surprising quality.

By chance I was just handling another item of this color shortly before you posted. I'm not sure from when this is either, but probably later in the 20th century. It is only 8cm high.


Thank you peter, for the information, the two marks are red and not yellow, my photos are not very good, the red in my vase is more like the red on the one you showed me, I tried to take the photo's inside under not so good lighting, the porcelain on my vase is very thin like and egg shell porcelain, is the vase you are inspecting thin?


With "yellow" I meant the characters on the page of the NPM, that I mentioned. They are identical to those in your red mark.
Mine was made to be a snuff bottle. But it is circular, as if it was thrown on the wheel. Not a real snuff bottle, though. Abit big for carrying.  Those later ones were possibly made for decoration or collectors. The place where usually the spoon is attached there is a plug made of porcelain, which was made with the lid in one unit - with porcelain. The lid is broken, so that is why I had it ready. I 'm trying to repair it.


Thats a nice vase, is that yours, I know a repair guy that is called Doctor Chips, he is always at the antique shows where I met him, his work is amazing, you can not tell where the repair was afterwards, he charges around $80.00 per chip, I have had several things repaired, your lid could be mailed to him and mailed back, just a thought, I'm sure you have porcelain restorers there, but if not I can give you his information, all the dealers use him, P.S, I went to the site you listed and it was in Chinese, I clicked on the highlighted  areas and it took me to, I don't know where, but I have a real handicap not being able to read Chinese, but I did see a couple of nice vases.


Hi Stan,
You mean if an item has three chips, for example he charges 240? for chips? Interesting!
Thanks for that kind information anyway.  I have been practicing restoration for some two years on my own items. As I enjoy doing it I might go professional.
I have heard of one person restoring in this area, here, but many seem to send items to Hong Kong for repairs.
So, were his invisible repairs also invisible when viewed with a magnifier? I have seen some repairs that were only invisible with the naked eye, but not when enlarged.

BTW, did you not see that there is a link to the English version on that website?


His repairs are almost invisible using and 10x loop and depending on the item,for instance, I dropped a vase a while back, a big vase, there was 20 plus pieces and he charged me $350.00 for the whole thing, but I almost tossed it in the trash, but then I thought I will see what he can do after he was finished that is all he charged, and you can not tell from the outside that it was ever broken, but you can tell from the inside of the vase, but for one chip, that is what he will charge, his repairs are also undetected using a UV light, B.T.W I did finally view the site, thank you for the site, thats pretty cool.