Chinese doucai vase ?

Started by calder, Sep 02, 2014, 06:01:11

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This vase is converted to a lamp as you can see.
My question -remove to make a vase again?
Thoughts on age?
I'm hoping is Chinese.


Leave it. This is a modern product.
FYI, as far as I know most doucai items are relatively small, but this is not doucai.
With doucai the outlines are in underglaze blue and the filling are painted on top of the glaze. Authentic, antique doucai items are rare and very expensive.


Thank you Peter.
Unfortunate - bought last week.
Arriving in Post.
Will post future likes before buying.
Thank you once again.


Another thing to consider when buying Chinese antique porcelain, it you see bright gold like what is on your lamp you can be sure it is modern, the gold on Antique Chinese Porcelain would be a dull gold color.


Hi Stan the gold you are seeing is the rim that has been stuck on with some kind of compound to make it into a lamp.
Don't think it originally was on the vase.


You mean at the base, not rim?


Sorry Stan the Base.
Looks like the person has made a crude conversion.


Took the base off and lamp fitting to make vase, thoughts?


I agree with Peter, this would be more valuable as a lamp than a vase, as a modern vase with a hole in the bottom it would not be worth as much, in my opinion.


Ill quickly stick it back together.
Cheers Stan


I've done that a few times my self Calder.