Relief Carving plate of Song Dynasty 宋浮雕绿盆,

Started by john8888, Apr 30, 2024, 22:42:35

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[pre][size=3][font=Arial, sans-serif]Diameter 26 cm, high 6cm[/font][/size][/pre]


This is the picture of microscope 500x from this plate


This resembles a Ding impressed decoration. However there is a problem - no unglazed foot rim, no unglazed top rim (for reverse firing), but three spur marks on the bottom. To my knowledge Ding never used stilts for firing. At the time this impressed decoration could have been made most plates would have been reverse fired anyway. However, I believe Ding did not fire green wares anymore by the time such decorations were made.


Hi, Peter;
What you mean Ding?  [color=#333333][size=2][font=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, sans-serif]金朝(1115年-1234年)?[/font][/size][/color]


Do not get caught in wrong conclusions, please. Althugh this is a decoration type that can be found from the late Song dynasty to perhaps the Yuan dynasty. It does not mean it IS Ding.
The glazes of Ding wares are different and impressed decorations with color glazes were never made, as far as I know. The Ding ware you see online or elsewhere are mostly fake.


Hi, Peter;
I sent 5 items for your evaluating it 10days ago. If you needs more time, please go ahead, I have no problem. If you already sent me an email, then you should re send it again. It may lost, I did not receive it yet.  Thanks again, John.


John, I sent you several emails in the course of a week, asking for more pictures for one of them. I never got a reaction. I sent you the four done already last week. Did you check your email? I can do nothing with the last one if you do not read your mail.


I am respective to your comments and checking my email daily that I found no email from you. I send you emails which you provided address, except first time you received all pictures of 5 items, then you do not response to my emails or all emails had been rejected by you.
So we have problem in our email exchanges. I can not provide my another emails in this page. Can you post your response to this page, then I can follow your instruction to go next step?



Mail sent again, there are five attachments. Please confirm receipt.


We receive no email from you, as you know we almost watching your email every hour. 


Send your email address again to the mail address where you sent the images to. Let's see what the problem is. The emails were sent to the mail which you also used for registration here. Nothing was returned. Are you sure you checked the right email account?  (gmail)

You should also check the gmail account for discarded mails, not just looking in the Inbox. That is often the case when the server's spam settings are not properly set on gmail.

Normally, if mail is not deliverable a notice is sent to the sender. Nothing was ever received. Please try sending the email from within gmail, to make sure.


Good morning. 
I check inbox and spam box both every few hours in my computer. I found nothing.
I am tired to waiting your emails. Now I post those items here. Then you post your results separating in this web.  I hope this is the way we may resolve our communication problem.


[color=#4d4d4d][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]Peter;[/font][/size][/color]
[color=#4d4d4d][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]Good morning. [/font][/size][/color]
[color=#4d4d4d][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]I check inbox and spam box both every few hours in my computer. I found nothing.[/font][/size][/color]
[color=#4d4d4d][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]I am tired to waiting your emails. Now I posted those items here. Then you post your results separating in this web.  I hope this is the way we may resolve our communication problem.[/font][/size][/color]


John, I asked you to send an email to, from within Gmail.

If you have difficulties, please ask someone to do it for you. Receiving your email means we can  check the headers of the email for sending data. Did you send one? 


One question - do you access this forum via tablet or cellphone?  How about the email?

Emails do not just disappear!
Even if non-delivery is the case it is always notified to the sender. We have sent far over 1500 emails with attachments. The only times someone did not receive them right away was when they did not check the right email account.
People provide throw-away emails for registration and other purposes, then they complain when they cannot receive mails they expect, which did not go to their usual, checked email account. Could this be the case ?  We sent to [color=#334466][size=2][font=Segoe UI, Helvetica Neue, Nimbus Sans L, Arial, Liberation Sans, sans-serif]
Please provide another email if you cannot get it there. Nowadays everyone has multiple email addresses. You can sign up for a free one anywhere and provide that. You could try if you do not know any other.