Fake Quianlong mark?

Started by saintsvintage, Jan 09, 2024, 02:02:53

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Hello, new to the forum and new to collecting. Ran across this bowl for a few dollars, thought it was pretty. Looked up the mark and it seems to be a Qing Quianlong mark. I know that there are so many fakes, as I'm pretty sure this one will be. If you have time to take a look, can you tell if it is fake? Thanks so much.


We call reign marks that are not of the same era as the item itself as "not of the period", not a fake. Such marks were used for hundreds of years.
Yes, a Qianlong mark, but the characters show that it is probably from the 20th century. Consider this mark as being for decoration only As to the item, without picture it is impossible to tell age. Marks can not be used for dating with Chinese porcelain.



I keep getting "
The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (3000 characters).

The pic is within the size to post. Its 92 KB.


Images should be approx. 600~800 px wide, 100~150 kB.
There is a limit set for the number of images per post. If you exceed this add more in another post.

3000 characters, is that all text? Here too use a second post to add more.

The limits are there to keep the dB in a reasonable size. Today's digital images easily exceed 1 MB per picture, but the image size mentioned above is usually sufficient for a PC screen. 


The pic I want to post is 240/ 320. I drag the pic to this box to post correct?


Yes, but if you have difficulties just select the files on your device instead of dragging them there.
Below the text box it says: 
        Click or drag files here to attach them.

If dragging the pictures does not work, just select them on your device. When the post is uploaded the files will be attached to it and uploaded together.
Just add the pictures separately, that should work.


here are the pics. Just curious the age.
It looks shiny like gold on the blue. the top has been repaired. and not very good.



20th century. Let's see if someone can give more information on the age.


20th century or later, the mark is stamped on an unglazed bottom.
