True Qing or later

Started by rgomes10, Sep 28, 2023, 03:19:50

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Can you help me please? Is it from Qing dinasty?
Thank you very much.
Best regards,


Please try uploading larger pictures next time. Usually it is not possible to tell from an overall view whether an item is authentic or fake. We need to look at the details.
Here it is unlikely right because of the strange color of the unglazed area, but the overall coloration of the decoration is also unlikely. Possibly a few decades old, I would think.

We need to see peoples faces, if any. If there is writing, we need to check if the character style conforms to the period, and also check if there are simplified characters mixed in, which is sometimes the case with items made after the sixties.
A godd view of the interior or top rim can also help.