Shouemon/Arita Bowl?

Started by Kaaren B., Aug 18, 2023, 07:16:38

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Kaaren B.

I believe this to be the mark of one of them "emons". Kakiemon is similar but I think Shouemon is closer? The glaze, as you can see, has a pronounced bluish undertone, and there is a strange "dip" at one edge of the rim, as if someone had accidentally picked it up with thumb and forefinger before firing. I know there are "plum shaped" bowls but this doesn't seem quite like those. You can also see in the closeup of the "dip" turn rings. The painting is very simple. Would appreciate help identifying the mark, age, genuine, and whether the dip is indeed accidental or deliberate. Thanks. Kaaren


Hi Kaaren, this looks like Nabeshima style to me, but I have never seen a bottom like this it can only be modern, I could not find the mark in my books on marks

Kaaren B.

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