Blue and White Canton

Started by Stan, Aug 03, 2014, 09:27:45

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Hi Peter, I just picked this up the other day at an antique shop, I believe this is blue canton, I have seen it a thousand times but I have never had any of it, the reason I purchased this one is I have never seen one with a shell holder before, I was told that it is from the mid 19th century, I have no idea of the age however It is not like the ones that I have seen that looks new, this one has age to it, the hight to the top of the shell handle is 13.335 cm and the length from shell handle to shell handle is 28.575 cm and the width is 24.511 cm, this has reticulated sides like a basket and the quality of the porcelain is a very high quality, it is also hand painted, the blue is under the glaze, please let me know what you think and if you have ever seen one of these with a shell handle, thanks.


Here are more photo's to view.


Last set of photo's, thanks for expertise.

shelley Kong

The sea shell handles and the lattice decoration leave a comtempory impression.


Stan, you should find some examples by doing an image search for "canton reticulated baskets". I have never see the shell decoration before, but it seems to exist. The foot rim looks more like the later rims.
Generally said, the color is a bit light, but should be fine.
The willow and other trees are painted in an unusual fashion, which I do not know from 18th century blue and white canton wares. Could it be from the late Qing dynasty?


The Antique dealer I purchased it from said he thought it was from 1850, I did a search and found two of the baskets, it originally would have had a reticulated oval dish that it sat on, the ones I found were identical and it is called Canton blue ware.


I believe that this is Chinese export, my neighbor that I purchased the apple green jar from has hundreds of pieces of this but did not have one with a shell, he inherited it from his grandfather and he is in his 80's and is thinks of selling me the collection, if the price is right, BTW shelly this is a typical reticulated blue canton bowl, all the ones that I have seen are the same, some have darker colors and some have lighter colors and if Im not mistaken they are probably still making the stuff, but I could tell that the bottom on this one is earlier and the shell handles are not as common, but the shape and reticulated porcelain seems to be that same through out in this pattern, this is the first piece I have owned and I am learning about it, you should see my neighbors collection, he has pieces that I have never seen before.

shelley Kong

Excuse my ignorance! I googled Canton reticulated porcelain as Peter said and realise now what you have was indeed made in the past.


Hi Shelly, If I had not purchased this bowl, I would not know either, I am learning a great deal about blue canton ware, I am finding out that it is very collectable, I will share more as I learn more, thank you for your posts Shelly and thank you Perter for the good information to search.