Arita kraak plates

Started by Anton, Aug 15, 2014, 20:04:22

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Hi All,

I got these two app. 21 cm kraak plates, bought on the basis of some blurry pictures. I thought these are japanese when received I doubted this. The back seems more chinese decoration and glaze appears to be affected by the sea or absent entirely. I'm trying to figure out whether they are Chinese or Japanese or some later copies, someone has any idea.

Greetings Anton.


They are not Arita, and if they are Japanese then it would be recently made, same it it is Chinese.


Hi Stan,

Any particular reason. I've seen simular plates before. The problem is the glaze and not knowing about any japanese cargo lost at see.

Regards Anton.


The blue color is not right for arita, it would be a darker blue. and it is not marked like arita would mark there plates with 4 some times 3 blue lines around the foot, usually 3 out side and one inside the foot.


Items with spur marks are usually Japanese. But the glaze looks a bit odd too.


That was my impression to Peter, Japanese because of the spurs but it would have to be late 20th century, I think it is a fake personally.