Small Pedestal Bowl

Started by kardinalisimo, Jul 31, 2014, 08:44:16

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It's about 4" tall, not sure what used for.
I can't figure is this Japanese or maybe more recent Chinese?


Not sure either. The shape itself is not traditional Chinese. High footed tazzas had a slightly different form. Beautiful design.


The foot rims ( there are two pieces, one with a single flower, the other with more flowers) are a bit sandy. I don't recall seing gritty bases on Japanese pieces, or I am wrong?

How about the enamels? Do they give any clue? I guess if Chinese, they could not be earlier than Republic, right?


Hi kardinalisimo, I have several vases made by Fukagawa from the late 19th century that have sand all around the foot rim indicating that they were cast on sand and that is a sign of early fukagawa, it almost looks like the maker of your vase was trying to copy kakiemon style, but the painting is clearly Chinese in my opinion.


Thanks Stan. Good to know that sand can be seen on Japanese pieces.
So looks like it could be Chinese that tried to copy Japanese shape and style or Japanese copying Chinese enamels and way of painting.
I guess the possibility to be strictly Chinese is slim as they rarely derive from their traditional shapes. Unless, made for export maybe.


Or like Peter said, much later Chinese porcelain.