identification Please???

Started by abderrahim, May 19, 2021, 07:07:22

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Can you tel me please if it's original or fake chinese vase porcelaine. Thankyou.


These photo's are to small to see detail, from what I can see, the mark is a spurious Qianlong mark and the decoration looks printed but that could change providing closer images.


Thankyou Stan for your rply, here more pictures. Thankyou


Moer picture, Thank's


Hi Abderrahim, thanks for the additional photo's but they are still to small to see the small details, Im afraid that with these photo's it looks like it could be Republic period but it is still unclear to see details, it you could take a close up photo of the  decoration and the blue decoration, it would help to determine if it is printed or hand painted, thanks.


Please note that the shape is also unlikely for a traditional Chinese item.


Hello Stan and Peter, thank you for your answers. Sorry for the images I am not the object in hand and I can not exceed the limits for the pixels on the site. I put the images in an external link on google drive I hope you can see them. Thank you so much.


I'm afraid with a cloud storage that is inaccessible without subscribing to it for viewing not many will look at them.
Some such sites allow to select making links viewable to non-members.

Anyway, what I wrote is to make it clear that it is unlikely Qing dynasty, probably later in the 20th century. The faces of the people might confirm this if the hair is completely black and the eyes painted in detail.


Thankyou Peter, I attached other a picture I hope you can  help. Thankyou




Please post close up pictures of peoples, especially their faces. And, please disregard the mark (see marks section at why these are irrelevant for dating.


Hi Peter and Stan, I just received the vase today, here are the pictures. Thank you


Other pictures


Other pictures


Thanks for the pictures. Judging by the features of the people I'm afraid this is 2nd half of the 20th century at least. Perfect faces with skin color and eyes with brows all in detail shown is something that was possible in Chinese porcelain only after western influences entered the painting art. That means in the 20th century. Again, the mark is only for decoration.