Miniature celadon tea set on stove

Started by apple1981, May 03, 2021, 03:00:03

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I recently bought this miniature celadon tea set on a stove online. Anybody an idea if its old and maybe rare? Looks like it could be pretty old. Surely not modern i think cause its been made kind of crude, the little cups etc arent made perfectly. There are also allot of particles in the clay they used. The little stove is 7,7 cm wide above 5,6 cm wide base and its 5 cm tall. Little bowls are around 2,3 cm, the lits are about 1,7cm, little vase 3,2 cm high 2,2 cm at its widest, pots is 2cm high and 2,3 cm widest and lit is 1,4 cm and the little cup is 0,9 cm high 1,2 cm wide.. anybody an idea of its age, seems pretty old to me but im no expert.. grts apple





This looks as if it might be burial ware. A complete set is quite a rarity. Mostly you see single pieces, or part of a set. It could be from about the Yuan dynasty, I believe not much later than the early Ming dynasty, because the custom of using such items seems to have disappeared during the Ming dynasty.
A hands-on inspection might allow checking the glaze with a magnifier for age signs.


Thanks for your reaction peter. If its yuan or early ming burial ware that would be awesome offcourse.! Could actually make sense by the size of the set because it seems to me a little to big to be dollhouse pottery. I will try to take some detailed pictures of the glaze. Can you tell what to look for as in aging of the glaze? And could it be made a complete set again later? The pot and one of the bowls have a similar older looking base. Other bases look a bit different. Is there a way i can get your suspicion of it being yuan or early ming burial ware veryfied and certified? Maybe you know an expert who can determine for sure this is the case? I really want to have this figured out.. grts apple


Diffferent base of bowl and pot





Is this a Chinese design?  The shape of the stove/pot reminds of something I've seen in Korean burial ware.  The design I beleive is from the 3 kingdoms/Silla period.  Although I think those were originally made from stoneware. 



I dont know hmm. If i read about qing bai burial ware it fits the description a bit better. The white clay, the iron residu i think i see, the celadon coloured glaze for example. But im totally not an expert. I did read on the qing bai wikipedia;
"Many types of items were made: as well as the usual plates and bowls, there were teapots and small round lidded boxes, usually described as for cosmetics." Which could be the lidded bowls i got(?) I read it was meant for common people and quality was viriable. They not only made it for burial but also for export or for the middle rank chinese market. It wasnt prestigous ceramic.. im really hoping for a definitive determination and an expert can tell me 99% sure its yuan, song or early ming.. i really appreciate you guys your input and opinion though. But neurotic as i am i really want to know everything about it. Grts apple