Can anyone ID this dragon bowl. It has red brush mark and comes with a tea set.

Started by Newnewb, Mar 17, 2021, 20:56:58

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Link for picture and mark is here :
Is this antique? I would appreciate any replies as I don't know anything about it. Thank you.


Hello, that is not a brush mark, it is a stamped factory mark.
This item is probably from about the 1940s or50s, judging by the dragon style and type of gilt used.


Thank you very much! ☺️ I really love the design so i might keep it even if it's not antique. Can I ask another question? Do items like these contain lead paint? I was wondering if I can use these as regular plates and tea set or if it contains dangerous stuff. Thank you.


I do not really know, but can tell you two things I know for rethinking this.

One, I read somewhere the EU seems to has established limits for lead in ceramics; so there must still have been some lead even in European wares, and this is in more recent times, .
Two, fencai enamels used for painting porcelain in the Qing dynasty contained a white (glass) powder, containing lead. Pieces over about 100 years old may show the shine of nacre in some enamels, which is from lead seeping through to the surface. But as I said, this is for porcelain made in the Qing dynasty.
Personally I would not use such porcelain because there is a considerable chance that there still is some lead in the material used later.