Large, Colorful Porcelain Wine Jug with lid

Started by boonems, Jul 19, 2014, 03:44:00

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Purchased in early 80's while we were living in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.  Large, colorful wine? jug with lid.  Raised figurines and what looks like grapes.  Was told it was very old from seller but that has never been verified.  It's been sitting in a quiet corner of the house since we moved back to the US.

Not sure what we have, or even if it's porcelain or old.  Any info, big or small, would be greatly appreciated.


No details or bottom pictures posted.
Looks like a fake to me. Decorations usually follow certain patterns or stories, here people are assembled in a fashion that seems without purpose.  The Chenghua mark is apocryphal.


Thanks Peter.  You probably have saved us a big appraisal fee.  Just for the heck of it, I am attaching a photo of the bottom, which might verify your opinion. 


It remains the same. Never saw such an unnatural placement of figures in Chinese porcelain.