Celadon Glazed Porcelain Censer

Started by smak, Aug 30, 2020, 22:48:11

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What do you guys think of this Celadon Glazed Porcelain Censer? When do you think this was made?


This is more difficult to tell.  Possibly Ming or Qing, but could also be later. If you were thinking earlier, that is unlikely in my view because Yuan and Song wares had different bases/foot rims. Overall it is copying a shape of those eras, though. Not Longquan either, the celadon is different.
I seem to see glaze bubbles, but what is that whitish matter around that darker area? And why is there a different gloss? Anything adhering to the glaze?
Censers often show usage signs on the interior bottom. Are there any usage signs?


Hi Peter,

Im not too sure, these are the photos I was given and I'm having a hard time myself. Im thinking Qing dynasty was when this was made, maybe republic?


Republic is always possible, but I'm not sure. If this is republic then it is a much better copy than many I have seen. If it was from a mainstream kiln it would be easier to tell. But there must have been dozens if not hundreds of kilns making similar items. Overall it looks old. It lacks the traces on the bottom that are found in censers that have been used for some time, and the foot rim also shows no obvious abrasion in these pictures.
If it were for me, I would decide based on the glaze. There is some information in this, but the white matter shown and the difference in color of the image uploaded would probably make me decide to pass it over and look for something better.
You could try to get some better images from the seller. But they sometimes still do not solve the doubts. If there is really some white substance on the glaze, it could be from marine growth, but it could also be from glue or artificial glaze or a substance like lacquer (from a repair). This can only be checked by a hands-on inspection, trying to scratch it off with a blade. On the other hand, if the item is not expensive, you could take a chance and possibly get a good, antique item, or pay tuition for an experience. :)