Martaban Jars

Started by Stan, Jul 31, 2020, 03:22:55

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Hi Peter, thank you for the information on Martaban Jars in the additional information site, I found my jar in the book you posted by Dr Eva Strober, on page 51 shows a pair of vases identical  to my vase with the same shape and decoration, a beautiful Martaban jar, unfortunately I dropped it and it broke in little pieces, I did have it repaired and you can not tell until you look inside and see all the mends, he did an amazing good job but it will never be as before when it was in mint condition, o well it happens.


Yes, it happens. Earlier this month I dropped a lobed cup going back to the Five Dynasties or Northern Song period. It is not epecially nice looking, but too bad, after a thousand years in existence it got broken due to my careless handling.
BTW, I assume your Martaban jar is of Chinese origin, not Burmese?


Yes, it was a while ago I had my Jar appraised, they said it was Chinese origin dating back to late Qing or early republic, I do not recall them ever mentioning the name Martaban though, BTW, sorry to hear about your Song lobed cup, I thought the same thing when I dropped mine going back a 100 years or more and it surviving in perfect condition until my clumsiness.