Qing White Crane Plate

Started by smak, Jul 09, 2020, 06:05:10

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Hi All,

This looks a bit off to me but want your thoughts! I felt the color was a bit offf.






My apology for not answering this earlier. The design was basically existing since the Ming dynasty, however, this could only be from the Qing dynasty. Basically the under-the-rim decoration and double ring were mainly used from the early Qing dynasty. This is especially also valid for what is called a "castle wall" decoration on the top rim.
The pictures do not give a conclusive view of the foot rim. If it is slanted it could be 18th century, however the rounded rim (worm back)  and pigment color makes it more likely later. Is the rim straight?


Hey Peter,

No worries! Thank you for your comment! I am not sure what you mean by if the rim is straight! Could you clarify?


The foot rim should be slanted inward if from any of the reigns Kangxi to Qianlong, and some in the Jiaqing reign. Those with a straight vertical foot rim are usually 19th century, if from the Qing dynasty.

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