Export plate - real?

Started by JjGhandi, Jun 03, 2020, 23:42:18

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Hey everyone,

Is this an authentic piece?
The glaze and blue seems off.

Kind regards,



More pics


If the colors in the top two detail pictures are the real colors, then it might be fine. But, this is not necessarily export porcelain.
Most important is the shape of the foot rim. A picture taken at about 45 degrees showing the shape might help.
But there seem to be chatter marks along the foot rim. If that is true then a close up picture showing these may also be necessary.


Hi Peter,

Thanks for the info.
I've asked the photos.
I'm going over there tonight myself to examine it.
What should the foot rim look like? I can hardly find any 45 degree photos online.
Also the clay underneath the glaze of the chatter marks.

Is it possible to tell over text?


The foot rim should be slanted if  from the period Kangxi-Qianlong reigns. If it is straight up, it would be likely 19th century, but if it is straight and there really are chatter marks, then the dating doesn't add up. Photographing from straight up won't show whether the foot rim is slanted or not, so pictures should be taken at an angle, to see the cross section shape of the rim.



I'll look at it and let you know asap.

Thanks again,



Hey Peter,

Here are the pics.
The rim looks slanted to me.

What do you think?



Hi Perer,

Great. Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,