Can you identify what this is? Memorial Piece?

Started by Rannapi, Jun 02, 2020, 08:06:58

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          Any information would be greatly appreciated on this unique piece. It appears to be an Piece of Antique Chinese Porcelain Vase which has been handcrafted and mounted on rosewood with a Brass cast hanger. The wax Stamp appears to be permission to Export. I apologize for the small pictures but every single photo I have is too big of a file to upload to your site. Thank You!


It is possible to tell more about the porcelain, but the wood can be from any time later. First, the wax seal has no meaning whatsoever in view to authenticity, etc., as you mentioned, it is just for allowing export from China, that is all.

The faces in the porcelain piece and the painting style and colors point to something made in the early republic period (1912~), perhaps within the first quarter of the 20th century.


That is very interesting. I wish I could have uploaded better photos. We found the wax Stamp is from the Shanghai Cultural Relics Bureau #4.
I looked at the porcelain under an eye loop and saw a pitted surface which has "Glaze Contractions"  and there is a chip above the flower basket on the right side.
The red color captured in the photos are actually not as red but coral colored and match pieces of branch coral I own that are Antique.
We thought it may have been a Memorial piece because the broken piece of porcelain was cut so the framing/mounting is in the shape of a man. The back side of the piece appears to be a silloute of the man in Rosewood holding in the porcelain.
The Trim around the piece is also Rosewood.

From our research, there is symbolism in the figures, flowers, basket, banner, and the symbol on the man's forehead. We think the original vase was about longevity and productivity (don't think that is the eight word). Can you direct us to where we can find info on these parts?
Have you ever seen a piece like this? Thank you so much!


The wood piece is indeed in the shape of a man, but the symbolism you are trying to find might just not be there. It may be from a known theme, but then, not all of Chinese decoration is that specific. In the period this item is from the limited decoration types of earlier times were already giving way to more individual creations of the porcelain painters. We can only see a man and what seems to be boy attendant(s). It might be a teacher, or just anything...


Wow! We had no idea that it could not be symbolic after all the research we have read. I guess this is an individual's piece of artwork which utilized a piece of broken porcelain vase. We are going to have it repaired so it does not continue to deteriorate.  Thanks so much! We have learned so much from your website!

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