Famille rose jar

Started by Adriano, Dec 17, 2019, 17:59:09

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I would like to buy this jar, but I am not sure of period.
The decoration look me late Qianjiang style, so early Republic.
The bottom look also good for period.
A cyclical date can help, if any.
Thank you,


This is not Qianjiang. Qianjiang is basically the same painting techinque/style used in Chinese paintings for centuries. That there is writing has nothing to do with it. The painting style is mid 20th century or later, looking as if some modern techniques were used. Colors are too bright too for early republic. There is a 己 and a 夏. The latter means summer, the former is a cyclical year appearing every ten years. Thus, 1949, 1959, etc.


Thank you Peter, my doubts were well founded: I give up buying it.