Ming Wanli plate

Started by haukech, Nov 27, 2019, 17:04:42

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Rinaldi border V, flower and peach sprays in the large panels and beaded pendants in the narrow ones (1590-1615).


Looks more like Kangxi than Kraak, lets see what Peter says.


No, Kangxi decoration is not like this.
This gives me the chance to share afew more findings.


Not Kangxi. It looks indeed like border V.  But I do not recognize the style of the ducks. They differ from most I have seen on Kraak decorations. But, there are really too many variations to know them all, so they may still be fine. I also could not tell for sure if this plate is from the kiln in JDZ that made many of the late Ming Kraak wares.

(I have put a note in the 'Adiditional Info' board below.)

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