Mandarin bowl

Started by konniela, Aug 30, 2019, 18:44:51

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Hello everybody,

I got this bowl for free, it was just on the way to the waste. The bowl has a lot of damages and the whole bottom is lost, but the painting is really nice and very detailled. I am not sure, how old this bowl can be, because, I think more 19.century.





This is Qianlong reign export ware. Indeed, nice quality, one of the best I have seen in this type of ware.


And I thought, it can not be so old with such a detailled painting. It is a little bit sad, that such a nice bowl is so damaged.

Thanks once more


I wonder if someone tried to fit it to a bronze base or similar. Otherwise such a large hole is hard to explain. The bottom is usually more likely the last thing to break and breakage does not result in a hole like this.

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