Blanc de Chine 8 Immortals Boat

Started by tipton444, Mar 31, 2019, 00:26:05

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Hello friends,

This is another piece I recently acquired, and I thought it was incredibly neat and well done.  I'm wondering if you guys have seen another like it?  I could only find a few browsing on the internet, one that recently just popped up on Cambi auction site, and another that Sotheby's had listed in one of their sales with an estimate of $1000 to $2000.  The ones I saw said they were early 20th century, maybe late Qing.  My questions are, have you seen one and do you think that age range is correct for mine?  Thanks!


I have never seen this type.  The eyes, especially those of Hegu, the only female, and facial details, look a bit too modern and realistic to me. The bottom also looks like a 20th century bottom.
You did not show a side or back view. Is there anything that shows that the single items were formed in a mold and put together, before the final details were added?
This has many tiny details--anything broken off like fingers, petals, etc. Older item seldom are perfect.
And, the glaze looks too new.


Okay great thanks for the help.  When you say it looks like a 20th century bottom, could it be an early 20th century bottom as in 1920's or earlier?  That's just what the other two I saw said so who knows.  I don't see any mold marks on the figures themselves, but they must have been individually created then stuck on the boat.  I added a few more pictures of the back to see if it helps.  Also, it is unfortunately chipped in one area, one of the tree leaves has broken off but at least it fits back perfect.  Thanks Peter!


With a bottom like this I would think mid to late 20th century.


When I say a 20th century bottom I mean something of about the 1930s onwards. That is the after the early republic period.



Thanks Peter, I did not know that bottoms like these were made in the Republic period 1912 - 1949 that is good to know.


Stan, I do only know that these were not made earlier because until then the old method of adding a foot rim or having it flat was common.


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