Qing mark?

Started by rgomes10, Jan 18, 2019, 20:41:23

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Can you help me with this mark?
Thank you very much


Sorry, I could not find it in my book of Chinese marks.


Huarong Tang made... Huarong Tang was an exporter (manufacturer?) of porcelain to Europe from Hong Kong in the early republic period.


Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness.


The question is " Is it early republic" you would need to post the whole item showing painting style and colors, decoration these photo's should be clear. Marks mostly are spurious and therefore the whole is needed to get a better opinion.


You are right Stan. The item should be shown as a whole too.
I was merely thinking about the mark because some information says that their items were not subject to much faking. (As far as I understand this is or was one of the companies in Hong Kong and Macao that did copy Chinese designs and exported them to the west, early in the 20th century. I do not think this is or was a classical Chinese kiln.  I do not know if the company still exists or not. But again, yes, item pictures should allow to verify if it could be of the period or not.)


Thank you so much.
I post a photo.


To me this looks all right for this period and manufacturer. Further pictures and information on this manufacturer can be found by searching for "huarong tang porcelain".

(To Stan: by chance I found that we had an exchange in 2011 regarding an item of this manufacturer.)


Thank you so much for your answer..


I cannot read Chinese, but this mark looks me similar to that reported in the Gotheborg site as Hua Ping Tang Zhi.


Peter, did you have a picture from the discussion, I vaguely remember, I thought the mark looked familiar, I think it was a big basin with scalloped edges but I am not sure I no longer have it, but if I remember right it to had an English like design as well.



Here are the URLs. Found via search engine.
https://www.chinese-antique-porcelain.com/chinese-export3.html#chinese export


Thanks Peter for finding those old posts, that's going back 7 years, can you believe it has been that long, boy dose time fly.


Yes Stan, the old forum started in about 2010.  :-)