Song blue-sky vase

Started by thanh trinh, Dec 30, 2018, 12:00:10

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thanh trinh

Dear Peter!
I just bought this beautiful vase.
In my mind, its is probably a Ru ware.
I have to compare to those from British Museum and Sotheby's (the last photos), so I recognize some similarities.
But I can't make a conclusion about it as it is extremely rare.
Could you pls help me?
Thanks very much.
Thanh Trinh


I cannot help much with this, except giving an opinion. Probably recent or 20th century imitation. The glazes are too strong for Ru ware. The real thing looks more delicate in color and shape. Do not buy Ru ware, I would recommend. It would be worth millions, probably, if genuine.
The highest overall numbers of known authentic Ru wares I heard of is about 75 pieces.  These are accounted for and it is known which museums and collectors do have them. There should be none in the open market. Those offered for sale are virtually all later copies or fakes, I'm afraid.

I suggest looking at those of the Palace Museum in Taipei for details. I believe they have the most of them, and they are from the imperial collection. Those at auctions, or otherwise available may not be authentic. (Some museums may offer new copies of genuine items in their collection. Of course they are not authentic antiques.)

thanh trinh

Thanks so much, Peter
See you on next topic
Thanh Trinh