
Started by johnno42000, Dec 21, 2018, 22:26:36

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I was wondering if someone could give me an opinion as to what period this is? In the catalogue it states: 'A small Chinese purple ground peach bowl, 'Shen de Tang' mark to base, 6.4cm diameter.'

On the Gothborg site it states 'Shen de Tang is the "Hall of Prudent Virtue", the main residence of the Daoguang Emperor that was completed at the Imperial Palace in 1831. Porcelain items made for this hall are marked Shen de Tang Zhidiameter.'

Could it possibly be from there?


You probably meant 'Zhi' without the diameter... 'Zhi' means made.
I know of no purple porcelain like this in the whole of the Qing dynasty. If there was one it would have to be falangcai enamel, which was only used the palace workshops to make a very limited number of imperial porcelain. This enamel is fencai, which means the color did not exist in the Qing dynasty. More colors became available only later. Further, any authentic Shende Tang mark would be hand-painted as it would be imperial porcelain. That means the mark is apocryphal.


Many thanks for your help Peterp.