period for this chinese porcealine.???

Started by abderrahim, Nov 26, 2018, 02:45:52

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Please I want your Help to know if This  two plates are original or are fake. If there are original what the period.???

Thank you.

First one:


More Second Plate:




I agree japanese, but what I think is strange is they are done in a Chinese Imari style that you would see 18th century, and the foot rim leads me to think 20th century, I think it is a Japanese copy of the Chinese Imari which I find strange because the Chinese copied the Japanese imari, the Chinese Imari had a very distinctive style that these seem to be simulating with the blue, red and gold overlay.


Yes Stan, I thought so too. There are two elements in the painted decoration too, however, that make me doubt itis hardly Chinese. The blossoms, or rather their center with the pollen styles, is not painted this way in Chinese porcelain. We all know the prunus decorations used in the Kangxi and Guangxu periods.
The other is the small floral decorations that resemble somewhat stylized chrysanthemums used in Japan (but may not be); they are placed in the blue band/ring around the center, just below the separation lines of the sections.

The Japanese kilns imitated Chinese designs throughout the Qing dynasty. There are items with designs that look perfectly Chinese Ming dynasty, for example, but which were made in the 19th century in Japan; at that time they had already made items of the same designs using their own, slightly modified painting style for quite some time.


Thank you friends for your answers. I really appreciate the work you do.
I have another question: Can I spend $ 120 to buy them.????
Thank you so much.


depending on the size I do not thinks that is out of line.


Thankyou Stan. The diameter is about 23cm.


Plate size, not bad, the bigger the more collectable.

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