Chinese plate - age ?

Started by dn1219, Oct 29, 2018, 03:59:18

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Hi Peter,

I kindly ask for the age of the plate.
The origin should be china, but is it really old ?

Would be great, if somebody knows the meaning of the peoples group.
Maybe from poetry.

Many thanks


The top two pictures are too small. You limit the size of the object by having too large a background. You should cut it. Try to resize the picture to about 600 pixel with sufficient resolution to see details. 
Can you provide a close-up, partial picture of the mark also? The characters do not seem to be Chinese, but may be another Asian writing, perhaps Manchu.


Hi Peter,

attached required pictures. Hope it becomes more clear now.
Many Thanks


Although the mark from afar looked like Manzhou writing, the enlargement (it is upside down) showed that it is Chinese. However, due to the narrow writing we can only read "nianzao", which means "year made" but the period is illegible. Maybe someone else can decipher it. Possibly about mid-Qing dynasty, although the blue color is a bit light.


Hi Peter

thanks for the explanation. I understand that it looks real antique and not a new fake.
I'll try to found out more about the mark.
