Chinese or japanese imari vase

Started by Rec, Sep 19, 2018, 21:17:53

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Could you please help me with ID this vase which I bought yesterday? How old might this be and what is the origin of this vase?

The decoration and the paintingstyle looks to me chinese but I'm not sure  with imari pieces
Thanks in advance and greetings



Hi Rec, this is Japanese Imari, Late Meiji, or later in my opinion.


Thanks Stan.
Thank God  it was cheap
maybe I can better stay away from imari ware :)


Hi Rec, I am not saying this is one of them but there are a lot of fakes coming to the market, so buyer be ware, if this was authentic 17th 18th century this would have had a lid and the mouth rim would have been unglazed, on this vase I do not see age signs, the inside and bottom look relatively new.


The foot looks fishy. Looks like late 19th century fukagawa but without mark. I'm not sure but I never seen an imari with that level of sanding at the foot rim but that's just mesa saying..

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