Stan, Need Help With Few Japanese Pieces

Started by kardinalisimo, May 18, 2014, 11:06:34

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Of course the other are welcome to contribute but seems like Stan is quite familiar with Japanese Pieces. Would like to know how old (if old) are they.

The first one is a Ao Kutani bowl. I don't see any significant age besides few chipped enamels, including on the Fuhu mark.
Second is a pedestal Arita bowl/plate. Also, don't see a lot of age signs. Cannot find similar.
The third one is strange to me shaped bowl.It feels a bit older.
Got few more, but let's start with these.

Thanks in advance!


I am sorry Peter. Is it ok to post about other Asian pieces as the board is for Chinese porcelain?


Hi Kardinalisimo, the first is a 1920 to 1930 kutani bowl the mark means Fuku" good fortune or happiness . the other two are arita porcelain late 19th century to early 20th century.


Thanks Stan.
Do you have any idea what was the second one used for. It is about 6" tall and 4" in diameter at the opening but it is shallow  because of the deep base.
Also, what is the pedestal plate? It is not flat to be used as cake or pie stand. The western term would be compote dish/tazza.


Hi kardinalisimo, the 2 item is what you thought it was, a compote, it was probably made for the tourist in japan, and the third item is soba choko cup, also used for tea, sake and deserts.


Thanks for the suggestions.
I am not sure is that is soba choko cup. All the examples I found are either with flat base or very low foot rim. Also, they are deep and not that flared. But there are so many varieties so who knows, maybe it is.