Lobed Bowl/Dish

Started by kardinalisimo, Jun 05, 2014, 08:45:59

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I apologize for the bad and partial photos. Saw the piece on the window of a shop that was closed so I tried to get few pictures. It was like $250 but I don't know if it is worth going back to get better look. It is a scalloped oval dish with thick and tall foot. As I far as I managed to see there was no mark. I guess it is late Qing but not sure which reign.
Hope someone can tell by these bad pictures.


Yes, that should be fine. Tongzhi or Guangxu reign.


Thanks. I may go have a better look. Hope to get a better deal because this type of bowls does not seem to be of a greater value. On the othet side, most of the examples I find feature floral decoration.