PLEASE Help identify porcelain set

Started by Gma, Jul 06, 2018, 07:23:44

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I think I posted to wrong forum so I will retry here.  Can anyone give any info on this Ginger jar set. It appears to be older set, but I haven't a clue on where to start searching. I cannot find any markings on bases or lids. You cannot really see gold highlights on pictures. Purchased entire set from a thrift store. Any info appreciated. Other forum thought it could possibly be Chinoiserie. Total of 5 matching lidded jars. 7.5" smallest to 13" high tallest jars not in pics.

Thank you for your help.


This looks very English to me, I would say this is a Chinoiserie.


Do you know about how old it may be?


Stan, is there something like "japanoiserie"?  I just noted that several features, especially temple roof and pagoda are Japanese in style, rather than Chinese.
I do not mean this is Japanese, but a copy of its temple architecture.


Now that you mention it, I recall the term Japanize or Japanized might be a better term, I did not even look that close to the detail on the jars, I was focusing more on the colors, thanks Peter, it just goes to show how important it is to pay attention to detail as well as the colors.


Thanks, but do either know approximate age or era?
