Junyao Pear-Shaped Vase

Started by Anthony, May 31, 2014, 11:44:41

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Possibility of junyao? Former collection of Henry Gurdon Marquand (Henrici Mercatoris).



The colors aren't shown as they are, under natural light ... it appears more like celadon as it is now. Anyway, usually seldom has such a shiny surface, and the items I have seen have a different foot rim color (paste). Apart from that, the types of Jun products were a bit limited, if I remember right. I am not sure if they included vases, The large majority was bowls, plates, jardinieres, etc. ..


Anthony, your comment was deleted by accident...my apology. But I had an opportunity to read it before it happened.
I do not exclude the possibility of Jun vases, they were just not as common as the other wares. However, in your picture the color of the foot rim does not look like the Jun ware I have had opportunity to handle. It should be brighter. So I still have doubts because of the vitreous glaze. Does the glaze have worm traces? It should have.


Yes, it has worm traces. Unlike other jun wares (from Song to Ch'ing) that I have in my collection, the glaze of this particular vase is not thick enough though. Therefore, this vase is a mystery. Next year will be my grandfather's 100 birthday. He has short term memory loss. I inherited his collection (total 371 pieces, mostly ceramics from Tang to Republic), 2 generations of collectors. Regarding to the provenance and his conclusion of his inventory, they can be found at his diary and his inventory book. There are other pieces that I would like to show you with questions regarding its age. I will post more pictures later.


Hi Anthony-looking  forward to seeing them.